Bitter Brew Music Bitter Brew Music
Wiscasset Waterville and Farmington Railway


Wiscasset Waterville and Farmington Railway
97 Cross Road, Alna Maine

Bitter Brew Music


Aug 12 2023


10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Music @ Wiscasset, Waterville and Farmington Annual Picnic: Little Trains & Littler Trains

Bitter Brew will be providing music at Sheepscot Station.

Mama Beth and Cyndi will be hanging out at Sheepscot Station singing old timey tunes and train songs throughout the day.

More info @

A gathering of model trains, food, interactive displays, and more!

About the Experience

Board your train at Sheepscot station for a steam-powered ride through the wild pine forests, farmlands and hamlets of the Sheepscot Valley. Be sure to stop at “Alna Center” for a special small-train treat.

After the train ride and festivities at Alna Center, we’ll all return back to Sheepscot station where you’ll want to explore our railyard, examine our displays, and peruse our gift shop. The entire experience takes about 90 minutes, or if you want to hang out at Alna Center, return on the next train for a longer experience.

TWO Train Shows on the Two-Footer

At Sheepscot, the Great Falls Model Railroad Club will be displaying a layout and offering select items for sale. This will also be supplemented by model trains and related materials being sold to benefit the WW&F archives.

Then at Alna Center, be sure to stop and visit the convention of the Association of 16mm Modellers. Their outdoor “live steam” set up will be sure to delight visitors to the narrow gauge.

And also at Alna Center, you are invited to see the Lincoln Co. Amateur Radio Club demonstration of period and modern radios operated by licensed (ham) radio amateurs. Come see vintage Morse Code operators with period sounders, 1920’s broadcast band radios, or send a Radiogram to a friend! The station will operate with a special event call sign of W1W.

Ride the Dinky!

To help facilitate transportation to and from Alna Center a special “dinky” shuttle will be running in addition to the steam train. Those who may want to visit the train and radio show at Alna Center, but not take the full steam train ride may consider this alternative. (Saturday Only)

Note: Steam train passengers may elect to ride the “Dinky” as part of their journey to or from Alna Center in order to extend their stay at the exhibit site. No additional fare or ticket is required for this service.

Ride the Model T Rail Car!

Fresh out of an exhaustive overhaul, we anticipate rides will be available on the RC4 Model T railcar between Sheepscot and Top of Mountain. We’ll provide more details as soon as they are available. (Saturday Only)

Food and More at Sheepscot

Besides the model train show, Sheepscot will be hosting a Model A Show (Saturday only). And, what would a picnic be without food… and The Wicked Tater will be on hand to keep us well fed.

There will so much to see and do, the 2023 Annual Picnic will not be one to miss!

Ticket price includes the historic steam train, admission to the train shows at Sheepscot and Alna Center, access to the Train Shows, Ham Radio displays, as well as parking at Sheepscot. All food is sold separately by The Wicked Tater. Note that due to the nature of this event, wheelchairs can not be accommodated at Alna Center. However, those with mobility issues are welcome to stay on the train.

The special Annual Picnic trains depart Sheepscot station (97 Cross Road, Alna) regularly from 10:00am to 5:00pm. Please anticipate traffic conditions on Route 1 in Wiscasset.

We look forward to seeing you on the narrow gauge!

About the Association of 16mm Narrow Gauge Modellers

For forty years the Association of 16mm Narrow Gauge Modellers have been helping and inspiring people of all ages and abilities around the world to get involved in narrow gauge railway modelling in the scales of 14 to 16mm to the foot, usually in a real garden railway environment, and often using real live steam model locomotives.

About the Great Falls Model Railroad Club

The purpose of the Great Falls Model Railroad Club is to help promote model railroading as a hobby and an opportunity for community outreach. The club’s main focus is to help educate, not only from our members’ knowledge of model railroading but also for the public’s safety at railroad crossings and on railroad right-of-way areas through our involvement in Operation Lifesaver.

About the Lincoln County Amateur Radio Club

The purpose of the Lincoln County Amateur Radio Club (K1LX) is to promote all aspects of the hobby of Amateur Radio through member and public education, to train and prepare local operators for both emergency and non-emergency events, to support the Lincoln County EMA and to encourage and assist our fellow amateur radio operators and associated organizations.

About The Wicked Tater

Serving up tasty, crispy handmade gourmet loaded tater tot’s, The Wicked Tater is more than just a place to grab lunch – it is a place to try out new dishes created with from local fresh ingredients.